September 2016


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Knit, Knit, Knit

I said I would post a knitting update, and I should - I've actually been knitting a lot!  While that last month of pregnancy is pretty miserable in virtually all other respects, it is nice since I get to basically sit on the couch all day and knit, and now, with a nursing infant I am still spending large amounts of time sitting on the couch (I learned with Liam how to stack nursing pillows to nurse hands-free.  I used to read, knit, and nurse simultaneously when he was little!).

Farm News Round-up

Wow!  So, I blinked and it has been most of a month since I wrote anything here!  A lot has happened in that time, although I personally have been mainly nursing a growing baby, and doing school with Liam.  In fact, I got Ewan to sleep so I could write this, and got as far as the word "personally" before he woke up - he's been ravenous recently, and just falls asleep long enough to trick me into putting him down, then wakes up and eats again.