Surprise Babies!
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This is a quick posting, just to say that we have even more babies than we knew. Liam and I headed out to the milk pen the other day, he to feed the bottle babies and I to milk, and he called to me that we had baby ducks. Sure enough, one of the duck hens was in the next pasture with about 8 little ducklings! I ccouldn't believe it, since in 8 years of having ducks we've never had one hatch anything. This hen and her sister tried once about 3 years ago, unsuccessfully, to sit a nest together, and that was the only time any duck hen of ours has ever gone broody.
Our goose babies are doing great with their turkey mama - they are currently fenced in an area of the garden where they have good access to grass, but can't hurt anything gardenwise.
Also, we went in together with some friends on a small batch of turkeys, so I picked up ours last week. We have a definite little tom (which was the main goal, hopefully next year our turkey mamas can also be actual mamas of turkeys!) and probably a hen (no clear strutting like the other one) in a movable poultry tractor in the yard as well.
The two chicken mamas are also raising their sets of chicks very nicely, I think we have about a dozen of those babies all together, and see them periodically in the yard or one of the nearer pastures.
About the only species of animal we're missing a baby of is the cattle. Hopefully the next calving goes better than the last one...
Goose goose GO!
great news
Wonderful to hear of more babies on the farm.
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