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Animal Update

A few months ago, Caleb's work schedule changed - he now works 8 am to 7 pm Monday through Thursday, and gets Friday off.  This seems like a nice bonus weekend (or for us, work) day, and it often is, but more often it somehow gets eaten up by just one or two seemingly small jobs.  This weekend was a great example.  

The Summer of Medical Emergencies

I don't know about y'all, but here at Solace Farm, medical situations only seem to happen at the most inopportune times.  Yesterday - Saturday, of course - we had 2!  And they are hopefully the last in a long string of them this whole summer.  

The Addition is Underway!

The house addition is underway!  The contractors actually got the foundation done speedily, finishing up last Friday, and we started work this Thursday.  Caleb is going to take a couple of long weekends, and see how much he can get done.  So far, Thursday and Friday have seen the floor joists and decking laid, the walls framed, and half the rafters set in place.